'This is the "Three Door Problem" or the "Monty Hall Problem" 'The game show contestant is faced with three doors, behind one 'of which is a prize. He chooses one door, but before that door 'is opened, the host opens another of the three doors revealing 'it to contain nothing. (The host knows which door conceals the 'prize and always opens a door that doesn't have the prize behind 'it.) The contestant then is given the opportunity to switch his 'choice to the remaining unopened door. Should he switch or stay? 'This simulation takes advantage of the fact that if 'the contestant's guess is wrong, then switching is the winning 'move, and that if the guess is right, then switching loses. 'Jim's comments: The value in line 25 controls the number of 'samples. The value in line 26 controls the sample size. 'Because the number of possible winning 'percentages depends on the sample size, the number of bars 'changes, which requires different bin sizes to create good 'good looking histograms. I've used the following: 'n=10 binsize 0.02; n=25 0.0125; n=50 0.005; n=100 0.0025; n=400 0.001. NAME doorOne doorTwo doorThree COPY (doorOne doorTwo doorThree) doors NAME Win Lose COPY (Win Lose) CoinToss REPEAT 100000 COPY 100 rptCount REPEAT rptCount SAMPLE 1 doors prizeDoor SAMPLE 1 doors guessDoor SAMPLE 1 CoinToss CoinResult IF guessDoor = prizeDoor SCORE 1 stayingWinsScore ELSE SCORE 1 switchingWinsScore END IF CoinResult = Win SCORE 1 WinFlip ELSE SCORE 1 LoseFlip END END SUM switchingWinsScore switchingWinsCount SUM WinFlip WinFlipCount DIVIDE switchingWinsCount rptCount switchingWinProbability DIVIDE WinFlipCount rptCount WinFlipProbability SCORE switchingWinProbability switchingDIST SCORE WinFlipProbability flipDIST LET stayingWinsScore = 0 LET switchingWinsScore = 0 LET WinFlip = 0 END HISTOGRAM percent binsize 0.0025 flipDIST switchingDIST PERCENTILE switchingDIST (2.5 97.5) SwitchConfidenceInterval PERCENTILE flipDIST (2.5 97.5) FlipConfidenceInterval PRINT SwitchConfidenceInterval PRINT FlipConfidenceInterval